Funny Cat

Are Orbeez Toxic To Cats?

orbeez toxic to cats

Orbeez are water-absorbing beads. They are used for different purposes like for decorations, and for playing. They are small, cute attractive balls, that definitely attract the cat’s attention. Cats being curious creature too loves to play with them. Being a cat lover you must be wondering are orbeez toxic to cats. Although orbeez seems harmless, they can impose serious health issues on your cat. In this article, I have explained the answer to the question are orbeez toxic to cats and their symptoms and prevention?

What Are Orbeez?

These are small, colorful, water-absorbing balls. They are so common among children and they love to play with them. They are made up of super-absorbent polymer, water, and dyes. Due to this absorbent polymer, They absorbs water and increases in size. For humans, it is safe to play only if used as directed.


Are Orbeez Toxic To Cats?

Yes! Orbeez are toxic to cats. Because they expand in water, it can lead to blockage in cats’ digestive system or in intestines. This will lead to serious health issues in the cat, therefore, it is necessary to keep Orbeez away from cats. Because due to their curious nature, they took everything in their mouth.

Symptoms of Orbeez Toxicity In Cats

If your cat has accidentally eaten Orbeez, then here are some signs and symptoms through which you can detect:

1-Digestive Issues

One major issue with orbeez consumption is that it blocks the digestive system and intestines. Being absorbent tiny balls, they expand in water. Therefore, they continue to grow in the digestive system and lead to potential blockage. This will cause loss of appetite, or other health issues.


When a cat accidentally engulfs Orbeez, there are major chance it will stuck in the throat or esophagus before reaching the stomach. This will ultimately lead to coughing or choking.



One other issue with orbeez ingestion can be vomiting. When a cat engulfs orbeez it will not digest in the stomach and will cause irritation, which can lead to nausea and vomiting. Take your cat to the nearest vet to have its proper treatment.


As we have discussed, orbeez absorbs water which leads to cat dehydration. If your cat has eaten orbeez it is better to give her a lot of water to drink to prevent dehydration.  Extra water replaces the water absorbed by the orbeez. Dehydration leads to kidney failure, laziness, and many more health issues.


If your cat is used to be active but now it has become slow and lazy and behaving differently. Then it is a sign that something is wrong with her. The cat’s sluggishness may be due to different reasons, Examine thoroughly to detect whether it has eaten orbeez or she is ill.

Can a Cat Die after engulfing Orbeez?

To date, there is no documented case of cats dying by eating orbeez. But Yes! Ingesting Orbeez or other small things has the potential to cause a cat’s death. Orbeez is not intended for consumption, and if a cat consumes them, it could result in life-threatening health issues such as intestinal obstructions or choking. If a veterinarian doesn’t treat these issues right away, they could in certain situations be deadly.

lazy cat
Lazy cat

How To Stop Cats from Eating Orbeez?

Being small, colorful, and attractive in appearance, it will be difficult for you to keep your cat away from Orbeez. Cats love to play with things that are colorful and attractive.

Here I have mentioned some steps to keep cats away from orbeez. Hope so, they will work for you too.

1-keep Orbeez away from Cats

Keeping Orbeez out of your cat’s reach is the simplest and most effective approach to stop your cat from eating them. Like storing them in a cupboard with a lock, on a high shelf, or in a locked room.

2-Provide safe toys to play

To keep your cat entertained, give them lots of toys and stimulating activities. Your cat may be less prone to look for tiny objects like Orbeez if they are mentally and physically active.

3-Supervise your cat

Make cautious to play with Orbeez in a place where your cat can’t easily access the beads if you or someone else in your home is. During playtime, keep a tight check on your cat.

4-Proper cat training

Your cat can be trained to avoid particular spots or objects. When your cat avoids the Orbeez or the location where you put them, use positive reinforcement strategies and treat them.

What To Do If Your Cat Ingest Orbeez?

If you suspect that your cat has ingested Orbeez or any other foreign object, it’s essential to take action immediately. Here’s what you should do:

Contact Your Veterinarian:

Contact an emergency animal hospital or your veterinarian right away. Follow their instructions and describe the circumstance, including the kind and amount of the swallowed object.

Observe Your Cat:

Try to notice any signs of distress in your cat, such as vomiting, gagging, coughing, difficulty breathing, or abdominal pain, by keeping a close eye on their behavior.

Don’t Induce Vomiting:

If a veterinarian has not specifically directed you to do so, do not attempt to make your cat vomit. In some circumstances, making someone throw up might be harmful.


In severe cases where the object is obstructing the digestive tract, surgery may be necessary to remove it safely.


From my experience and knowledge, orbeez are not safe for cats. Cats are curious creatures and they are used to take everything in their mouth. If they accidentally engulf orbeez, then they will definitely stuck in their throat or digestive system and can cause potential health damage. If engulfed or not treated promptly can lead to car death. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on your cat and supervise her. Place Orbeez in a safe place where your feline friend can’t reach.

Nature has blessed the animal realm with a wide variety of animals, each with its own distinct traits and evolutionary background. Two popular pets and fascinating animals, cats and rabbits frequently pique the interest of animal lovers.
Cat Playing With Orbeez

FAQ Section

What are the symptoms of Orbeez toxicity in cats?

The common symptoms of its toxicity in cats are digestion issues, loss of appetite, coughing, dehydration, and vomiting. If not treated promptly, it can be lethal.

Do cat die after eating Orbeez?

Yes! Cat can die by eating orbeez. Because orbeez can lead to choking or digestive system block.

Can Orbeez harm my cat?

Yes, Orbeez and similar small objects can pose a choking hazard or lead to intestinal blockages if ingested by a cat. It’s essential to keep such items out of your cat’s reach.

What are some safe toys for my cat to play with?

Interactive puzzle feeders, feather wands, and catnip toys are examples of safe cat toys. These toys stimulate the mind and body without compromising the well-being of your cat.

What should I do if my cat ingests Orbeez?

Consult your vet right away if you think your cat may have eaten Orbeez or any foreign material. Without medical supervision, do not attempt to make yourself vomit.


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