Funny Cat

Are Dragonflies Poisonous To Cats?

Are Dragonflies Poisonous To Cats

Insects called dragonflies are fascinating creatures that live all over the planet. Due of their sparkling wings and magnificent flight patterns, they are usually spotted in gardens and around bodies of water. Despite the fact that these animals are safe for humans, there has been much debate and concern regarding their potential toxicity to cats.

In this article, we’ll explore whether are dragonflies poisonous to cats and what precautions cat owners should take.

What Are Dragonflies?

Dragonflies are flying insects that have two pairs of transparent wings. They have slender bodies and large, multifaceted eyes. These insects are predators and often chase smaller insects in the air.


As carnivorous insects, flies and mosquitoes are the main prey items for dragonflies. They are famous for their extraordinary hunting abilities and are agile flyers. They have sharp mandibles that they use to grab and eat their prey, however, they are not known to bite or sting people.

Are Dragonflies Poisonous to Cats?

The question of whether dragonflies are poisonous to cats is a common concern among pet owners. And it’s important to clarify the answer to the question.

Dragonflies are not poisonous to cats in either way.

Lack of Venom

Dragonflies do not possess venom or toxins that can harm cats. They do not release any dangerous substances, and unlike some bees and wasps, they do not have stingers. So a cat is unlikely to suffer any harm from an ordinary interaction with a dragonfly.

Potential for Ingestion

Although dragonflies by themselves are not poisonous, there is a chance that a cat may consume one. Due to their curious nature, cats frequently try to play with or grab insects like dragonflies. If a cat ate a dragonfly, there could be a choking risk or a chance that the cat’s digestive system might become irritated.

Can Cats Eat Dragonflies?

Yes! Cats can eat dragonflies. There is no issue of cats eating dragonflies. However, it may give your cats some mental and physical challenges, in chasing and eating them.

However, it is still not recommended for your cat to eat dragonflies. Here’s why:

Choking Hazard:

Dragonflies are tiny insects with readily breakable wings and bodies. A cat that tries to eat a dragonfly faces the risk of choking on one of the insect’s potentially sharp parts.

Digestive Irritation:

A dragonfly’s exoskeleton can be hard and difficult for cats to digest. Cats’ digestive tracts may become irritated if they consume dragonfly parts.

Do Dragonfly Carry disease?

Dragonflies are not known to carry or transmit diseases to humans or animals, including cats.  Dragonflies do not feed on blood and do not possess the biological components necessary to host or transmit diseases. Despite several other insects such as mosquitoes, which are well-known disease carriers.

Because they are predators that eat other insects, especially smaller flying insects like mosquitoes, flies, and gnats, dragonflies are really good for the environment. Dragonflies can aid in lowering the chances of diseases being spread by those smaller insects by decreasing the populations of these noxious insects.

Why Do cats Chase other Insects?

Cats chase other insects primarily because of their natural predatory instincts. This behavior is deeply ingrained in cats and serves several purposes:


Hunting Instinct:

Cats are natural hunters. Even domesticated cats retain strong hunting instincts inherited from their wild ancestors. Chasing insects allows them to satisfy this instinctual drive.

Exercise and Stimulation:

Chasing insects provides physical exercise and mental stimulation for cats. The quick movements of insects engage a cat’s agility and reflexes, keeping them active and mentally alert.


Hunting and chasing insects can be entertaining for cats. It gives them a source of amusement and can prevent boredom, especially for indoor cats.


Cats may develop their ability to hunt while chasing insects. Despite being domesticated, this may be crucial for their survival. They can improve their stalking, pouncing, and capturing skills through it.

Taste and Texture:

Cats are naturally curious animals, and they could be drawn to the flavor or texture of some insects. Some insects may release pheromones or other odors that attract cats.

Potential Food Source:

Being opportunistic hunters, cats can consider insects to be potential prey. While cats’ propensity to hunt is strong, the majority of insects do not provide them with a significant source of food.

List of Insects Poisonous To Cats

Cats are naturally curious animals, and they can stumble on insects sometimes. Even while the majority of insects are harmless to cats, there are a few that can prove dangerous if consumed or if they get into touch with the cat’s skin.

Here is a list of insects that are known to be potentially toxic or harmful to cats:


Centipedes and Millipedes


Bees and Wasps



Certain Moths

Blister Beetles

Asian Lady Beetles (Harlequin Ladybugs)

Cat Chasing Dragonflies


In conclusion, dragonflies are not poisonous to cats in either way. Dragonflies are harmless creatures and they do not carry disease with them. However, you should be cautious about your feline friend and keep an eye on your chats chasing and eating insects. By ensuring your cat’s safety and well-being, you can continue to enjoy the beauty of dragonflies in your outdoor environment.

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Can dragonflies harm my cat if they land on them?

No! Your cat won’t get hurt if a dragonfly lands on them. However, it’s advisable to step in to stop ingestion if your cat tries to play with the dragonfly.

What should I do if my cat eats a dragonfly?

For guidance, contact your veterinarian if your cat ingests a dragonfly and develops signs of distress.

Are there any toxic species of dragonflies that I should be aware of?

Generally, dragonflies are not toxic to cats. However, it’s always a good idea to be cautious and prevent your cat from ingesting any insects.

Can dragonflies transmit diseases to cats?

Dragonflies are not known to transmit diseases to cats, so the risk of disease transmission is minimal.

Are dragonflies beneficial for the environment?

Yes, Dragonflies are a crucial component of the environment because they assist in reducing the population of dangerous insects like mosquitoes.


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