Cat Care

Are Tarantula Poisonous to Cats? Tips To Cat Care

Tarantula Poisonous to Cats

As we all know cats are curious creatures and chase every moving object. We all have seen cats chasing laser lights, Right? But sometimes chasing causes harm to the cats like cats stuck in a well. So, what about tarantulas, if they found them crawling on the floor? If cats try to follow them, they may bite back in response. Being a cat lover, you may be concerned about whether are tarantula poisonous to cats. In this article, you will find answers to your questions and tips to prevent their interaction. Keep reading!

What are Tarantulas?

Tarantulas are a type of spiders with large hairy bodies and legs. They belong to the family of Theraphosidae. It is an invertebrate insect, that depends on an exoskeleton for muscular support. Their common habitat is tropical and sub-tropical regions. They vary in size, color, and shape according to their habitat. They do not bite often. Their bite is harmless to humans but may impose some serious conditions on the animals and insects.


Are Tarantula Poisonous to Cats?

However, the encounter between cats and tarantulas is rare. But in this uncertain world, anything can happen. A number of cases have been reported in the past few years, where tarantulas have bitten cats. As a result of this cat dies.  The venom of the bite contains a neurotoxin; it is a neurotransmitter that affects the central nervous system of the cat. The cat may become unconscious or paralyzed leading to difficulty in breathing and ultimately death. The tarantula’s venom most frequently affects small animals and insects.

Are Tarantulas Aggressive?

They are not aggressive insects. In fact, they are sensitive and avoid interactions with humans and animals. They do not bite unless feel some danger. The reasons behind Tarantula’s aggressiveness and bite are mentioned below:

Defensive Posture:

A tarantula’s initial line of defense when faced with a threat is not aggression but instead a defensive stance. As a warning, it may lift its front legs, revealing its fangs. Often, this show is sufficient to scare the predators.


This insect prefer to avoid interaction to the maximum extent. Their main option is to retreat and hide when they feel danger.

Biting as a Last Option:

However, tarantulas have fangs and venom glands, they typically reserve biting as a last option. They use their weapon of biting when no other option is left.

Species Variation:

It’s crucial to remember that tarantulas come in a variety of kinds, and their character traits may change. Some species are by nature more defensive or fearful than others. Depending on their personality and how they have been treated, they are raised as pets may display varied degrees of docility.

Attacking Tarantula
Attacking tarantula

Can a Cat kill a Tarantula?

Yes! There are more chances of a cat killing a tarantula, than vice versa. Cats are playful creatures, and some would consider a tarantula to be a toy. As a result, the cats will poke the them with their paws, which can seriously harm it as the spider is extremely sensitive to such movements.

In addition, a cat would mistake a tarantula for prey if it came across one. As a result, your tarantula may suffer harm or possibly be killed by your other pets if you don’t protect it from cats. It happens much more frequently for cats to kill tarantulas than the reverse.

What to do if Tarantula bites a cat?

However, there may be less chance of venom causing harm to the cat. But it is important to examine and take quick action if your cat shows any signs of infection. Some other important measures you should take are discussed below:

Observe the cat

Observe your cat keenly. If she is not eating, sleeping, inactive, and showing signs of allergy, then there must be some problem with the cat.

Isolate the Tarantula

To avoid any more contacts or potential attacks, make sure the tarantula has been removed from your cat’s surroundings

Check for Symptoms

Watch your cat closely for any indications of an adverse reaction. A tarantula bite can lead to regional pain, swelling, redness, and mild discomfort as common symptoms.

Rinse the Bite

Use mild soap and warm water to gently wash the bite area. To do this, use a fresh cloth or cotton ball. Avoid using any abrasive substances that may worsen the injury.

Do not try home remedies

Do not ever dare, to experiment with home remedies or local medicines on your cat. It will worsen the situation.

Contact the nearest vet

Rarely, a cat’s extreme allergic reaction to a tarantula bite can occur, leading to breathing problems, uncontrollable swelling, or other unpleasant symptoms. Take your cat as soon as possible to the nearby animal emergency center if you observe any severe reactions.

How to prevent cats from Tarantulas?

It is an old saying “Prevention is better than cure”. So, it is best to prevent cat, tarantula interaction rather than rushing to the vet in an emergency situation. Follow these prevention steps to protect your feline friend:

Keep your cat indoors

Cats enjoy exploring and hunting, so provide them with a variety of indoor games and toys to keep them active and cognitively engaged. This may lessen their interest in outside animals.

Secure Outdoor Activity

It’s vital to keep an eye on your cat when they are outside, especially in regions where tarantulas are living. To make sure your cat doesn’t encounter any insect, keep a constant check on them.

Keep your home pest-free

Because they feed mostly on insects, tarantulas are attracted to places where there are lots of insects. Use natural pest control techniques or contract a pest control service to keep your home insect-free. This can lessen the chance that tarantulas will first be drawn to your property.

Use natural Deterrents

Commercial repellents are available to keep cats away from specific regions. To avoid injuring your cat or the environment, use these products with caution and pay close attention to the directions.

Why do Cats like to Eat Spiders?

The answer to the question cannot be known, but here are some assumptions, that we can assume to find the reason for the cat-eating spiders.

  • One reason for this may be the excessive amount of spiders around the cats. Spiders can be found in homes crawling on the floor or making their web. Their unique appearance and crawling legs may attract cats towards them.
  • The other reason can be the curious nature of the cat. Cats try to lick everything they feel appealing.
  • If your cat is hungry or is getting bored of its daily meal, there may be chances it will search for new tastes.
  • Or the cat wants to play with the eight-legged insects. Like scientists, cats too want to explore new things. The moving spiders may intrigue your cat and she wants to play with it.
Cat chasing Tarantula


A tarantula is a type of spider with eight legs. It comes in various sizes, shapes, and colors. Being sensitive and protective in nature, they are not prone to bite. They only bite when feel the danger of their life. The bite of tarantulas is not harmful to humans, it may have less potential than a bee bite. However, in small insects and animals like cats, it can cause some allergic reactions. It is due to the neurotransmitter “neurotoxin”, that will affect cats’ central nervous system. After tarantula bite if your cat is slow and showing signs if allergy, then you should contact the nearest vet.

Besides this insect, if you are too worried about the use of heat lamp for cat. Then you shouldnot be. Click on the link to know how to use heat lamps for cat properly.

FAQ Section

Can a tarantula kill a cat?

There may be chances of a tarantula bite killing a cat. Because the tarantula venom affects the cats nervous system, leading to paralyzing and breathing issues.

What should I do if my cat is bitten by a tarantula?

If your cat is bitten by a tarantula, it’s recommended to contact a local vet immediately. However, tarantula bites are typically not life-threatening to cats, a vet can assess the situation and provide appropriate care if necessary.

Are there any tarantula species that are more dangerous to cats?

The venom of the majority of tarantula species is not very harmful to cats. But you must proceed with caution and avoid any possible encounters between your cat and tarantulas.

How can I keep my cat safe from tarantulas?

If you possess tarantulas as pets, make sure they are kept in secure boundaries, keep an eye on your cat while it is in tarantula-infested regions, and get emergency medical care if your cat gets bitten.

Can tarantula hairs harm my cat?

Yes, tarantula hairs can cause irritation and discomfort if they come into contact with your cat’s skin or eyes. It’s recommended to prevent contact between animals.


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